Instructions for use

Alkozeron - general features and product information

The form of release:



10 pcs./conf.


the treatment of alcoholism

Capsules Alkozeron - universal rapid tool for the treatment of alcoholism. It is designed for men and for women. The application is safe for human health. Use is permitted without the appointment of a doctor, outpatient.

One of the advantages of the capsule - natural composition. Active components (extracted): kudzu root, milk thistle, knapweed, thyme, st. john's wort.

The tool is the past scientific studies and clinical tests. Overall the results demonstrated that the capsules Alkozeron are equally effective regardless of gender, race and age.

We pay attention to. Buy capsules original Alkozeron in France is possible only through the official website of the manufacturer. Beware of imitations.

Remedy for the treatment of alcoholism - directions for use Alkozeron:

  • it is difficult to relax without alcohol
  • do not reject the offers of drink
  • drink in small doses, but every day
  • constantly you are capable of a hangover
  • can't sleep as long as he doesn't drink.

Alcohol dependence can be an initial phase still not externally visible signs, or run and chronic. In each case the reception of this instrument will be effective. The statistics in the world, reports that in the zone of risk each third between the ages of 21 and 45 years. Before the alcohol enters furtively into life, with the pretext. This can be chronic fatigue, the separation with the wife or the husband, quick and easy to relax, have fun... But every day the desire to drink only amplified, and the consumption of alcohol becomes more and more.

!!If You or someone of Your loved ones drink every day or depending on what is required for every end of the week to pursue exclusively the consumption of large quantities of alcohol, it may not reject the offer, or the desire to drink, you can go two-three days or even longer binge eat, drink, so much so that the day after you do not remember that it happened on the eve... - all the signs of alcohol addiction that requires treatment.

Instructions how to use Alkozeron - dosage, contra-indications

how to take the remedy for the treatment of alcoholism Alkozeron

To use the tool is very simple - you just drink a capsule with a glass of water (50-150 ml). Service dosage during the treatment - two capsules. One capsule morning and night for 7-30 days. The course of the application depends on the degree of severity of alcohol dependence.

The application of capsules Alkozeron yes, with the purpose of prevention after the success of the complete therapy. The dose is one capsule per day, the duration of the welcome of three months. Perhaps the repetition of the course after 30 days of break.

Contraindications do not exist. Exception - hypersensitivity to any of the components, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The intake of capsules in accordance with the attending physician in the presence of temporary or serious chronic disease.